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​Sleeping helps you get stronger?

​Sleeping helps you get stronger?

Posted by Jessica Kiernan on 26th Dec 2014

Yes, it does. I have been asked this question often.

And sleep is actually a huge and vital part of your muscle development. It’s 1 of the top 5 steps to achieving your best in your workouts and repairing your muscles. This is one area millions upon millions skimp on and over look as being the most important. Just getting an hour less than the recommended 7 to 8 hours does lots of harm not only to your health and fitness, but your learning, memory, crankiness, it stimulates your appetite and even can put you at risk for diabetes! So now what are your thoughts on sleeping? I’m sure you’ll try to get it in more now! If you have trouble sleeping try figuring out what triggers your sleepless nights.

Is it the person next to you snoring? Are your stressed?Thinking of tomorrow and all you have to do? Try a few tricks I have found to be helpful like tweaking my bedtime hours. I try to go to bed every night at the same time and get into a system. Even if I’m wide awake Ill hit the sheets and read or play on my iPhone to get me tired and usually within 10 minutes I’m zonked out. Try also winding down with some yoga moves, trying 4 or 5 different moves that relax your brain and calm your mood down.

Do not eat sugar or sugary drinks at night, this will store as fat for one, and keep you awake. Also if you shower at night do it before 7pm to keep your body temperature uninterrupted. And lastly, set your thermostat between 60 degrees and 68. This helps your body get into a deep sleep, which as I have said before is essential for tissue repair.

So there you have it, a few easy tricks to help you sleep like a baby and gain the results that you have been looking for. You will notice yourself happier and healthier and ready for the next day and your killer training session! Now get up and enjoy your day with a smile!